[LOTD* ]: The plus in having a professor to do an administrative job is that you are questioned less... He is always too busy to do that. :P
Today I was at the training and placement section of the insti. I found out today at the (at least (12-1)th) hour that my name is incorrectly printed and I cannot change it , unless academic section had made the updates. The staff handling registration for tnp was so thrilled at me (or us in general , the 11th hour-specialists ) for being so late. They at least Pointed me towards the information cell where the tnp incharge was sitting . This guy was as cool (and as silent :P) as ice.
I told him my situation .... that was 15 seconds.
He was listening while doing some work and kept mum for a while .... that was around 10 seconds.
At last he asked "Roll Number kya hai ?" ... yes right 2 seconds hardly
I answered ....
Next question, "Naam?" .... 1.5 second would be an exagggeration :P
Last.... "OK"
I thanked him on my way out. But I dont think he would remember me next time cause he never looked at my face. Throughout the scene, I was just a record in the database to which he only was authorised. :D
P.S. LOTD* means Lesson Of The Day.
Today I was at the training and placement section of the insti. I found out today at the (at least (12-1)th) hour that my name is incorrectly printed and I cannot change it , unless academic section had made the updates. The staff handling registration for tnp was so thrilled at me (or us in general , the 11th hour-specialists ) for being so late. They at least Pointed me towards the information cell where the tnp incharge was sitting . This guy was as cool (and as silent :P) as ice.
I told him my situation .... that was 15 seconds.
He was listening while doing some work and kept mum for a while .... that was around 10 seconds.
At last he asked "Roll Number kya hai ?" ... yes right 2 seconds hardly
I answered ....
Next question, "Naam?" .... 1.5 second would be an exagggeration :P
Last.... "OK"
I thanked him on my way out. But I dont think he would remember me next time cause he never looked at my face. Throughout the scene, I was just a record in the database to which he only was authorised. :D
P.S. LOTD* means Lesson Of The Day.